It is necessary to understand the steps to the final result!
If you are used to following my posts, you know that I make a point of talking about the minutiae involved in the dermopigmentation process.
I believe that educating about these details is the key. It is common for me to see people talk about the process without, however, explaining it correctly - and without saying, of course, that it is necessary to take a series of precautions so that the results are exactly what we want.
Next, I will talk a little more about the healing process and what we must do to respect it. If this topic interests you, keep reading:
Understanding the healing process
We need to understand, first of all, that performing a procedure such as dermopigmentation implies an inflammatory process - even if it is controlled.
The organism sees the pigment as a foreign body and this activates the immune system. Therefore, it begins a process of healing of the skin, which is seen by the body as damaged.

The first stage of healing occurs right after the procedure is performed - it is, as we have already mentioned, the inflammatory stage. After it, we have others, which are:
Proliferative stage
It starts around the fourth day after the procedure and can last for about twenty days.
It consists of four stages: epithelialization, angiogenesis, formation of granulation tissue and collagen deposition.
At that moment, there may be peeling of the skin where the pigment was applied. This happens because, in the first week after dermopigmentation, it is natural that the excess pigment, combined with some cell and skin residues, promotes a small peeling over the affected region.
At another time, when the ways of performing dermopigmentation were more aggressive, a larger crust formed, which could cause more discomfort for the patient.
Our method was created not only to be more comfortable, but also to allow for more tranquility in healing after the procedure. Nowadays, the dermopigmentation we practice is the most modern, safe and comfortable way to do permanent makeup.
Maturation stage
There is collagen reorganization, collaborating so that the affected tissue returns to its completeness. This does not mean, of course, that the pigment will completely wash out - it is natural, however, that it will lighten a little.
It may be necessary to make small corrections to make the eyebrow uniform, but this is not usually a problem.

Dermopigmentation aftercare
The area where the procedure was performed may be a little sensitive, but don't worry: most patients say it is a very smooth process, almost imperceptible.
Your biggest concern is not touching the area that was treated directly, especially without washing and sanitizing your hands, to avoid bacterial infections and the like.
In fact, throughout the healing, avoid touching the area too much and especially not rubbing it.
If the specialist you trust suggests, use a cream with corticoids. It will keep the region more hydrated, while helping with the healing process.

Many specialists suggest vaseline, but, based on the experiences I've had in my office, corticoid ointments tend to offer more interesting and faster results.
For about ten days, avoid using swimming pools and other similar spaces. Likewise, beware of steam and hot water.
The practice of intense physical activity should be avoided until complete healing or at least in the first three days, since sweat can disturb this process, in addition to affecting the final results.
I hope this article has cleared your doubts about the healing process. If something is not clear, no problem: send me a message with your questions, and I will answer!
Maybe your question does not turn into another article. Who knows?
Best regards,
Priscila Iwama