Although white freckles do not have any impact on health, they may cause aesthetic discomfort.
Guttate leukoderma or solar leukoderma is popularly known as white freckle. It is characterized by the presence of whitish spots - white freckles - in areas that are often exposed to the sun, such as legs and forearms.

They are caused by cumulative damage resulting from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays over the life.
While vitiligo and solar leukoderma may be mistaken for one another by some individuals, it is important to recognize that they are distinct conditions. Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition, which affects a small portion of the world's population, and occurs by the destruction of melanocytes.
It may have a genetic origin, but severe emotional or immunological changes, in addition to local trauma, can also precipitate the condition.
What differentiates vitiligo from leukoderma?
In both cases, there are white spots on the patient's skin - and this is precisely what causes a lot of confusion between the pictures.
Freckles typically have a similar appearance, but fortunately, it is possible to distinguish them from one another. In the case of leukoderma, the freckles tend to be smaller and are limited to areas that are commonly exposed to the sun, such as the legs, arms, and neck. As mentioned earlier, this condition is different from vitiligo.

On the other hand, people with vitiligo tend to have spots all over the body, including in the face and neck area. These spots may be larger in size compared to those in leukoderma.
Another difference concerns the issue of pain or sensitivity. The white freckles of leukoderma do not usually generate physical discomfort, only aesthetic. In contrast, some people with vitiligo may experience burning or itching sensations in the affected areas.
To prevent leukoderma, it is necessary to use high factor sunscreen daily. Also, we have try to avoid exposure to the sun during the most dramatic hours, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

If it is necessary to walk or do activities during this time, it is suggested to use clothes that protect arms and legs or that have a sun protection factor. Using an umbrella is also a good option.
How to treat leukoderma?
Cryotherapy, involving the application of cold temperatures using dry ice or liquid nitrogen on the affected areas, is a popular treatment for leukoderma's white patches. It has good effects, however, there is no guarantee that the stains will become imperceptible.
Some doctors suggest to the patient the use of corticosteroids or acid, in addition to dermabrasion and laser application. These methods are effective in some cases, but do not always give the patient the desired effect.
For these reasons, dermopigmentation is an excellent option for those who would like to camouflage their white freckles, caused by guttate leukoderma. This is a way to cause aesthetic relief and can collaborate, as I always like to mention, for the well-being and self-esteem of the patient.

Always one step further: that's the motto!
The technique used in our establishment is authorial, that is, it is an evolution of a series of dermopigmentation techniques. It is recognized and recommended by experts in the United States, where I live and work for a long time, and has regained the joy of countless people.
What makes us the number one clinic in white freckle camouflage is a set of factors, actually.
At the same time that, as I have already said, I have developed a pioneering technique, focused on the safety and future of the skin, I never stop thinking about what moves me to always do better.

We know that aesthetic changes, even if they do not cause health problems, can cause interference in our self-image. Camouflage, in the meantime, returns those interested to the naturalness of the skin, allowing them to feel more confident, happy and, why not say, more willing to face life head-on.
Finally, it should be said that the search for comfort and excellence is so great that we have developed our own dermopigmentation machine. It, also avant-garde, minimizes procedural trauma, making the session much better tolerated and, after completion, the skin recovers faster.
Do you have questions about the use of dermopigmentation to deal with cases of leukoderma? Comment below: I would like to know what you think about this issue and how I can help you.
Best regards,
Priscila Iwama