Hello, beautiful people!

All the topics that I discuss arise from students', clients', and followers' questions and difficulties and, although my texts are focused on the world of dermopigmentation, this one in particular addresses topics that serve other areas of expertise.
When I wrote about insecurity and fear at the beginning of my career, I opened up my heart, sharing here a little bit of my story and everything I live by. I sincerely hope that it helps you.
I vividly remember the incredible passion I felt when I first encountered a dermopigmented eyebrow with a natural appearance.
A client had gotten her eyebrows done with Lu Rodrigues (the current owner of the Lu Makeup brand from Brazil), a high-performance professional who I had the pleasure of having as my first and unforgettable mentor.
The result was so smooth that I couldn't understand how it was possible. The only thing I knew was that I saw purpose in that kind of work, that new procedure would make life easier for countless people, and I needed to learn that technique.
Like at every beginning, I also faced challenges, and I had to seek help to overcome my fears, insecurities, and especially the "emotional self-sabotage" that brings us the feeling of not being or doing enough.
Talking to coworkers, friends from different work fields, and mainly researching biographies of admirable people who have had great success in their lives, I realized that this problem was not solely mine.
Everyone, without exception, experienced fear and insecurity at the beginning of their careers, and even experts still deal with these feelings when venturing into a new project.
"I was definitely able to overcome this when I started to value small achievements, finding motivation, and purpose in each stage."
Celebrating with every little achievement.
For example, if you are a new professional who is starting and still working on your "models," focus on doing your best and analyzing, in a positive way, every detail of your work during the procedure.
Celebrate each one of your improvements, whether it's a well-done hairstroke, a well-taken photo, or achieving the ideal color. Celebrate each milestone.
Continue to practice on artificial skins and once again celebrate each progress you make.
Avoid being mean to yourself. Remember that you are working and improving day by day.
You must obviously pay attention to your mistakes as they will show you where to turn your attention to. But don't take your progress for granted. Celebrate it. Celebrate it a lot!
When you celebrate even your smallest achievements, you create success memories, and these memories will increase your confidence. Your confidence starts to grow exponentially when you celebrate each small achievement.
Today, you are certainly better than yesterday. Imagine how you will be after a few months of training and dedication?
STOP COMPARING yourself to great "players" and "masters" in your area of expertise.
You can and should look up to and be inspired by other professionals and experts.
I have a list of masters and colleagues that I admire and inspire me a lot. Some because I love their work, others because I admire the way they teach.
Some, I look up to their life story. I admire who they are as a person, and I assure you that I bring a little of each of these people in me. This is healthy and highly recommended! It is totally different than comparing yourself to them.
Comparing yourself to others is harmful and must be avoided since each dermopigmentation professional is considered an artist, having within him or her a unique style that must be improved and encouraged to come to life through the details of his or her works.
What you need to do is listen to what the professionals and masters you admire are saying and put what they have done into practice. Adjust and bring to your reality the experiences, tips, and teachings that they often share for free—all of this without making comparisons.
Take what they are offering you and move on to perform the best you can.
Focus on yourself, on the path you have to follow.
Stay motivated with videos and literature.
Look for videos that truly motivate you, to the point of making you feel an intense desire to make your dreams come true. There are thousands of channels with motivating content on YouTube, find one that makes sense to you.
Read biographies of personalities who inspire you, learn more about the lives of these people. You will find that even amid fears and insecurities, they have overcome situations that could have been even more complex than the ones you are experiencing today.
Learn more about yourself! Familiarize yourself with and read up on personal development.
You don't have to read a book a month if it's not something you really enjoy. But try to read or listen to book reviews on personal development. You can also find countless channels in this segment on YouTube.
I urge you to dedicate part of your time to personal development because it will provide you with crucial insights about your personality. You will discover qualities that you never realized you had and learn to use them to your advantage. You will realize how unique and special you are. Your confidence will increase even more and take you to another level.
The more you know about yourself, the clearer your purposes become.
You will come to understand that your career is an ongoing project; that projects are completed in stages; and that everything gradually takes shape. Doors will open easily.
It will be up to you to enjoy the journey and celebrate each small achievement.
When you least expect, you will have already reached your initial goal, whether it is to become an excellent professional or a high-performance professional!
At this point, fear and insecurity will have been diminished; and you will have a story to share and motivate other professionals.
I dedicate this piece to a dear student, Marcela Canella, who suggested the topic on one of my Instagram posts.
If you also have any questions, any curiosity, or any other subject that you would like to learn more about, leave your comment down below or on one of my social media platforms.
I will be honored to dedicate part of my time to asnwer you.
Priscilla Iwama.